Hi everyone, Geetanjali here! As a mountain lover, I’m always on the lookout for hidden trails, far from the crowds. And let me tell you, the Mountain of the Broken Lake trek did not disappoint! It was everything I hoped for and more.

A Trail Less Traveled

This trek was truly offbeat. Apart from our team, the only company we had were shepherds and their herds until Camp 3. It was even better than what Vicky (Parminder, the founder of Mountaineerz) described on the phone after i had responded on their website (https://yoloo.life/).

We started our journey at VanVaas, a beautiful lodge nestled in the jungle above Soyal village near Manali. There, I met my fellow trekkers, a friendly group from Mumbai, and Vicky himself. We learned the fascinating story behind the name “Mountain of the Broken Lake” (Futta Saur in the local language) and met our guides, Vijay and Bobby, who would be leading us.

view through the tent on the mountain of the broken lakes trek

view through the tent at the first campsite on the mountain of the broken lakes trek

The Importance of Teamwork

Unlike commercial treks with fixed camps, this trek required everyone to pitch in. From packing rations to setting up camp, it was a team effort. The experience of interacting with the local guides, horsemen, and porters was another highlight. These guys, especially Ghanshyam the cook and Narender the horse guy, made the trek even more special. We even celebrated a birthday in the meadows with a surprise cake made by Ghanshyam!

Unforgettable Evenings by the Bonfire

The evenings were filled with stories around the bonfire. Vicky shared his amazing experiences with wildlife in the forest, while the guides, Vijay and Yogesh (both qualified mountaineers from Soyal village), regaled us with tales of local deities. Our furry companions, Troy the Husky and Soldier the Pitbull, added to the merriment, keeping us company and ensuring our safety.

sunset view on the mountain of the broken lakes trek

sunset view whilie coming down from the mountain of the broken lakes trek

The Broken Lake and Beyond

Vicky explained that “Futta Saur” translates to “The Broken Lake,” hence the name of the trek. He also shared his reason for keeping the name discreet – to protect this pristine location from commercialization. The trail itself offered a network of ancient walking routes, connecting to places like Chanderkhani Pass, Malana Village, Spiti Valley, and even Kinnaur!

The highest lake on the trek lies at a staggering 14,290ft and is believed to be one of many holy lakes hidden in the Himalayas. While there are supposedly 12 lakes in total, spotting them depends entirely on your “karma.” I was fortunate enough to see four of the major ones – Batarunaag Saur, Vasukinaag Saur, Futta Saur, and Mata Kotli Saur. The harsh weather conditions often obscure the view of these mystical lakes.

The Trek Itself

The trek involved uphill climbs across three campsites. We started from Soyal village near Manali, traversing thick deodar forests teeming with flora and fauna. The second camp offered breathtaking views of the Dhauladhar range, including Mount Hanuman Tibba. The final campsite, just 45 minutes from the lakes, was a photographer’s paradise with its sky-high peaks and ethereal valleys.

The holy significance of these lakes lies in the belief that Futta Saur is the abode of Jamdagni Rishi, father of Rishi Parshuram. Every 30 years, the villagers take a ceremonial procession to Futta Saur for a cleansing ritual. This trek provided a glimpse into the rich culture of the region.

hikers in a meadow on the mountain of the broken lakes trek

Soragi Meadows on themountain of the broken lake trail

An Experience Unlike Any Other

The most incredible part of the trek was the feeling of being completely off the grid. Beyond the Fettirewadi meadows, it felt like we were walking on untouched land, miles away from civilization. Camping under the vast night sky, breathing the purest air, and witnessing the majestic Himalayas – it was an experience I will never forget.

camping on The Mountain of the Broken Lake Trek

campsite 3 on the Mountain of the Broken Lake Trek

Calling All Offbeat Enthusiasts!

If you’re looking for a truly offbeat adventure like me, I highly recommend joining Vicky’s next Mountain of the Broken Lake trek. Get in touch with him through his website, https://yoloo.life/.

Until next time, when I’ll be sharing stories from Spiti Valley,


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